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    Two Factor Authentication (aka 2FA) is a security measure that requires a second form of authentication in addition to your username and password. RealVue uses Google Authenticator app to generate the security code.


    Enable Two Factor Authentication

    1. Under Users in the main navigation, you will see Your Profile
    2. Scroll down to the Security Section and next to Two Factor Authentication click Enable
    3. Follow the instructions about how to download the app on your device.
    4. Enter the code and click Verify.
    5. Enter the fallback email address to use in case you lose your device.
    6. Click Update Profile


    Disable Two Factor Authentication

    1. Under Users in the main navigation, you will see Your Profile
    2. Scroll down to the Security Section and next to Two Factor Authentication click Disable
    3. Click Update Profile
    in AccountSecurity
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